Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Treasure Swapping

Today's pic is a simple one. Just some stuff in the corner of our garage. It's one of those things that I see all the time but dont bother to try and capture. After all, it'll be there tomorrow.

You see, I live in a house endowned with years and years of accumulated wealth. Nothing exotic or expensive, mostly furnishings, cast-off appliances, and lots of other "stuff" that has never found a home more suitable than a dusty corner of the garage or the darkened corner of one of our many "store rooms" (in addition to closets and 1/2 of a two car garage, we have 2, ahem, store rooms... one doubles as a bedroom).

You might think that that with all this "stuff" laying around there would be no need, nor desire for me to peruse the local second-hand stores and flea markets in search of treasures. But you would be wrong. Indeed, I believe it's my strong acquaintance with "stuff" that leads me to find other collections of it so interesting. Besides, most of our stuff technically belongs to my Wife, and she doesn't like it when I try to get rid of her stuff; no matter how useless, broken, or ugly it may be.

She says the kids might need it one day when they get their own houses. Maybe. In the meantime, I'm slowly gathering my own hoard of stuff. When we run short on room and something has to go... I'll ferry off one of her pieces and replace it with one of my own. She never even misses her old stuff when I do it this way. After all, it's not like she really knows what she has.


Ted said...

My wife Rita and I have come to an agreement. Neither of us can lug something new home without a plan to remove stuff of equal volume. Not weight, nor heft... but volume. Two years ago our cellar was officially closed. Not only is there no room left, but when you do remove something from a spot, the pile somehow heals... filling in the hole as an incoming tide erases a sandy footstep. Sigh.

As for your graphic... You have an ability to capture warm tones so elegantly that even the garage corner looks to be part of a palace's formal drawing room. I find myself particularly taken by your flouting of neat compositional rules which would impose the tyranny of symmetry upon everything. Instead this display of discordant color delivery systems has a contrapuntal impact. The palette enforces a pattern where none is physically present. That's very impressive leaving me with a feeling of unbalanced tension... like the unresolved end of a melody awaiting the last note. And it's a very romantic melody... Whorls gone wild.

Thanks for sharing...


mcmurma said...

You know, If I thought for a minute an agreement like that would go over with my Wife I'd certainly try to strike one up with her.

But it wouldn't. And if she read this blog there would probably be hell to pay. I suspect she knows what I have been doing all along, but as long as it remains an unspoken thing it's ok. But to have it aired in an open forum of this nature, no matter how obscure... well, I just don't even want to think about it!

As for the symmetry in the image? I'm glad you like it because I am trying not to be afraid of compositional symmetry any more than I am of color. I have considered both to be crutches in the past and I'm simply trying to look beyond the technical and into the image. Giving it what it wants.

Thanks for viewing,


PS. I had to look up "contrapuntal." I fancy myself rather wise in the ways of words, at least in the the knowing if not always the usage or spelling, but this one stumped me cold. It's a nice word. I like it :)