Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Odd and the Satisfying

When I posted to my blog last night I was quite torn over what image to post. I have about a dozen I want to include at some point, but they are all from days gone by. So, while a part of me wants to keep my postings current, it really doesn't matter... does it?

My satisfaction with this image comes from scarcely remembering what it is. I recall that, around christmas time, I had the camera out one evening for something and snapped this scene that had been setup on our end table. It was an odd collection of tiny christmas balls and tall wisemen figurines with this bit of oriental flavor thrown in. I have no idea what its supposed to represent, and the chances are that my Wife, or my Daughter, whichever one of them is responsible for putting it there, won't recall either.

But I like this image. It's kind of dark and mysterious and oddly satisfying.


Ted said...

When cultures collide, to the go, "CLANG!"?

Somehow I hear a mallet on gong here. Followed by that Hollywood rickshaw music usually played on wooden xylophones (they have a name... it escapes me... but then so much does... um... I digress).

You are correct, this is an image as much of mood and a feeling as it is of place and time. Had you not said Christmas, I would have been able to avoid it in my interpretation. Now I can't get it out of my mind. Darn!

But in trying to do that, I find that the golden balls and the cryptic message posed in front of a universal background... let me peer through the transparent walls of someone else's paradigm bubble. I can see stuff within there, but standing out here, I can only imagine the cultural foundations which created the tableau. And It's so great to have an image that causes imagination. That's when art towers over craft,eh?

As usual... nice.

Debra Trean said...

I say post what you like its your blog. I think when you post images taken from a previous time it is always fun to go back and see them again and again each time learning or seeing something new. I say post away!!!

That said this image is very zen and relaxing to my eye. Beautiful

Andreas said...


that's a marvelous image. Yes, of course, when one studies it, one finally recognizes the Christmas theme, but PNF is right, this is Zen at its finest, very oriental, very abstract, perfect. A fantastic image.
