Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall Colors

My favorite Fall scenes tend to be more intimate, not wide and grand, but tight and exclusive. This is, no doubt, a function of the type of Fall views that I have come to expect around Arkansas. Where the wide shots rarely manage to capture the scene in a way that translates well.

These first few images were captured along the upper section of the Buffalo River near Kyle's Landing. We hiked into the site and spent the night there a few weeks before our week-long sojourn on middle and lower portions of the river. It would have been ideal to include this section on our trip, but you have to go where the water is when traveling by kayak.

The last image was captured at the very end of the big trip at Buffalo Point as I waited on my shuttle to show up. The shuttle was 120 miles long so it took about 3 hours round trip for Dave to make the drive. In the meantime I was greeted to one of the loveliest scenes imaginable... a clearing thunderstorm on a fall evening. It was October 31, Halloween. I'd been flipped into the river by tricky currents and a sneaky limb snag earlier in the day... so I guess this was my treat.


Debra Trean said...

mmm hello....these are BEAUTIFUL I love fall and all the colors it brings.....realllly pretty and nice to see you posting again... smiles

Ted said...

You find a chapel-like solace in these walls that throw stained-glass color back at you. I sense that you sense a serenity in the colossal dappled with the delicate. The place where the irresistible force of life meets the implacable object stone.

Who wins that? Depends upon how much time life has, eh? Rock doesn't much exist in time. At least not time as life understands it.

It's good to have you back Michael.